Let’s face it. We’re all going to be stuck at home for a while. The kids are out of school, you’re trying to work from home, and on top of everything else you’re trying to balance the uncertainty of what’s going on. So how can you keep yourself and your family busy, have fun, and still keep yourself socially distanced from others? Check out the list of fun things to do below and if you do any of them, tag us in your photos or stories on social! We’d love to see how creative you get!

Throw an Indoor Picnic

Stuck at Home? Throw an indoor picnic.

Lay a blanket down. Make some sandwiches. Pack up your favorite quarantine snacks and head to the living room. Put on some YouTube video of scenery and chow down! It’s a fun way to spend time together, and do something a little bit different.

Have an Indoor/Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Stuck at home? Do a Scavenger Hunt.

Humans love to find things and this will keep your kids busy for a while. Come up with a list of things they have to find, give them clues, and let them free. Bonus points if you set up some obstacles or things to throw them off the trail. Even more bonus points if there’s a treasure at the end of the hunt.

Plant Seeds

Stuck at home? Plant Seeds.

Not only is this a good teaching lesson for kiddos on patience and the Earth, but it’s a fun little activity to get you in the Spring-season mood. It’s time to start planting anyway, so if you have a little space for a garden in your yard, go for it. If not, get some seeds from Amazon, or even a Chia Pet, plant those suckers and enjoy the process.

Film a Cooking Show

Stuck at home? Film a cooking show.

You’re likely cooking anyway, so why not film it on your phone? You can be the host, the kids can be the helpers, so get your Julia Childs – or depending on how the day is going, Gordon Ramsay. Just make sure you include the accent, too.

Invent Your Own Board Game

Stuck at home? Create a board game.

The obvious: play board games or card games, but let’s take it a step further. Invent your own board game. I remember doing this is school and it was probably one of the most fun projects we had to do. Come up with rules, make the cards, the money, and take pieces from other things or make your pieces! No cheating.

Bonus tip: Make cleaning the house into a game. Have the kids race and see who can clean their rooms the best and the fastest. Not only will your house be the cleanest it’s ever been, but the kids will have fun, too.

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